Legislation Process Course

This is a full day course conducted at OPC's premises and presented by professional drafters. Course materials are provided.

The course is primarily designed for staff of Australian Government agencies who are, or will be, instructing OPC on legislation. Attendees can expect to gain a basic understanding, or to refresh their knowledge, of the processes involved in developing legislation. The course will particularly benefit officers who prepare drafting instructions.

The course costs $600 per individual (GST not applicable). Morning and afternoon tea is provided where the course is delivered in-person.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Basic features of legislation
  • Priorities and policy authority
  • Giving drafting instructions
  • Drafting process (including roles of instructors and drafters)
  • Parliamentary scrutiny of legislation
  • Getting a Bill ready for introduction
  • Passage of Bills and parliamentary amendments
  • Before and after making legislative instruments

At the end of the course participants should have a better understanding of how to:

  • contribute to the planning and conduct of legislative projects within their own organisations
  • provide drafting instructions
  • devise policy options which are more readily translated into legislative form and which are less likely to raise issues of concern to Parliamentary Committees
  • facilitate the processes of fine-turning and finalising draft legislation prepared by OPC


Please note that only staff of Australian Government agencies are eligible to attend these courses.

As places on the courses are limited, priority may be given to APS employees who are likely to be instructing OPC in the near future. 

Upcoming course dates

To see the course dates available for this course, visit the training page

Further information

For further information on this course, please email courses@opc.gov.au.